

Thank you so much for registering your website on Deftpress.

  • Created: February, 2023

To have your website customised to your taste you would need to login with the same details you used in registering on Deftpress as instructed in the mail you were sent when your website went live.


Follow the steps below to create your website:

On the homepage, click on "Get Started" or "Login/Register" as seen below.

You have to be logged in to create a website.

Web version

Sign Up/In

  1. Fill in your email in the email field as seen in the image below.
  2. Fill in your password in the password field.
  3. Then click on the 'Login' button.

Successful login leads to the dashboard.

Web version

If you are yet to register, click on "Signup" as seen in the image above to register.

  1. Fill in your name in the name field.
  2. Fill in your email in the email field.
  3. Fill in your password in the password field.
  4. Fill in your password again in the confirm password field.
  5. Then click on the 'Register' button.

Successful registration leads to the dashboard.

Here is what the Register page looks like.

Web version


Here is what the dashboard looks like.

Web version

Create Website

Follow the steps below to create your website:

  1. Click on 'Create Website' as seen in Dashboard above or click on 'Get Started' as seen in Homepage above.
  2. A page with a form as shown below is seen. Check the checkbox for your desired template and click on 'Save and Continue' button to proceed.
  3. Web version

  4. Fill in your name in the 'Full name' field.
  5. Fill in your email in the 'Email' field.
  6. Fill in your phone no in the 'Contact No' field.
  7. Then click on the 'Save and Continue' button to as seen below to proceed.
  8. Web version

  9. Select your preferred payment type from the 'Subscription Type' field.
  10. Fill in your website name in the 'Website Name' field.
  11. Select your website category from the 'Website Category' field.
  12. Choose your website logo from the 'Website Logo' field.
  13. Then click on the 'Save and Continue' button as seen below to proceed.
  14. Web version

  15. At this point you will need to wait for a while, then the subscription page below is seen. Click on 'Pay Now' button of your preffered plan.

  16. Web version

  17. Then the page below is seen where payment is made either by card, bank or transfer using paystack.
  18. Web version

  19. If you want to subscribe using license key, click on the checkbox beside 'I have a License key' as seen in the image after no 12 above.
  20. Fill in your license key in the 'License Key' field and click on the 'Confirm' button to proceed as seen below.
  21. Web version

NB: All the form fields must be filled to successfully create your website

Successful subscription leads to the dashboard where you can manage your website.

Manage Website

Follow the steps below to manage your website:

  1. Click on 'My Websites' as shown below.
  2. Web version

  3. Then click on 'manage' of the particular website you want to work on as seen below.
  4. Web version

The next view seen is the templates

Template Change

Click on 'Choose' as seen below to change your template.

Web version


Follow the steps below to subscribe on your website:

  1. Click on 'Subscription' in the image in template change above.
  2. A page similar to that shown in the image below is seen. Click on the 'Renew' or 'Upgrade' button to subscribe.
  3. Web version

  4. Then click on 'Buy Now' on the plan you want as seen in the image below.
  5. Web version

  6. A page similar to the image shown in No 12 in Create Website is seen.
  7. A page similar to the image shown below is seen when payment is successful.
  8. Web version

  9. If you want to subscribe using license key, click on the checkbox beside 'I have a License key' as seen in the image after no 3 above.
  10. Fill in your license key in the 'License Key' field and click on the 'Confirm' button to proceed as seen below. You receive a success message when the subscription is successful.
  11. Web version

Blog Credit Purchase

Follow the steps below to buy blog credit(s) on your website:

  1. Click on 'Blog' in the image in template change above.
  2. A page similar to that shown in the image below is seen. Click on the 'Click here to purchase Blog Credit' button to proceed.
  3. Web version

  4. Then fill in the number of blog credits you want to purchase.
  5. Click on 'Buy' to proceed as seen in the image below.
  6. Web version

  7. A page similar to the image shown in No 12 in Create Website is seen.
  8. A page similar to the image shown below is seen when payment is successful.
  9. Web version


When you click on 'Profile' in the sidebar of the dashboard, you see the page shown below where you can update your profile information and picture.

Web Version

To update your profile,

  1. Fill in your phone no in the 'Phone number' field.
  2. Fill in your state in the 'State' field.
  3. Fill in your country in the 'Country' field.
  4. Then click on the 'Save' button to update your profile information. You receive a success message when the update is successful.

To update your profile picture,

  1. Click on the 'Edit' button in the image above to add your desired picture.
  2. Then you see a form as shown in the image below.
  3. Web Version

  4. Fill in your name in the 'Name' field.
  5. Choose your preferred picture in the 'Profile Picture field' field.
  6. Then click on the 'save' button to update your picture. You receive a success message when the update is successful.


To update the settings of your website, follow the instructions from No 5 in Edit Website section.


When you click on 'Settings' in the sidebar of the dashboard, you see a form as shown in the image below where you can reset your password.

Web Version

To reset your password,

  1. Fill in your current password in the 'Old password' field.
  2. Fill in your new password in the 'New password' field.
  3. Fill in your new password in the 'Confirm password' field.
  4. Then click on the 'Update' button to reset your password. You receive a success message when the reset is successful.

Website Management


To login, use the following url; https://'yourdomainname.'/login. This means if your domain name is, you use

Here is what the login page looks like.

Web version

Successful login leads to the dashboard.


The dashboard shows the no of authors, posts, subscribers and categories. You can also see in one glance the latest posts that has been made. A screenshot is shown below.

Click on 'Edit website' button as seen above.

Web version.

How to edit your Website

Follow the steps below to customise your site template:

  1. After successfully logging in, click on the edit on your homepage as seen in the image below.

  2. Web version

  3. Click on any section of the page apart from the website name, logo and categories(scroll down to see how to edit this.) to edit.
  4. After editing, save the changes made by clicking on the save button as seen in the image above.
  5. To change the theme or color of the template, click on the field beside the save button in the image above.
  6. A variety of colors are seen as in the image below.
  7. Click on your preferred color or type the name of the color in the field provided then press enter to see the color.
  8. After this, click on the save button and wait for a while to see the change.

    Web version

Follow the steps below to edit the website name, logo, SEO information and other details added when registering the website;

    Click on the tab in the first image below to see the navigation bar,

  1. Click on "Dashboard" as seen in the image below.

  2. Web Version

  3. Click on "My Account" as seen in the image below. It leads to your dashboard on Deftpress.
  4. Then click on "My Websites" as seen in the image below.

  5. Web Version

  6. Then click on "manage" in the actions column of the desired website as seen in the image below.

  7. Web Version

  8. Then click on "Settings" as seen in the image below.

  9. Web Version

  10. Edit the settings form as desired, then click on update as seen below to save changes

  11. Web Version

    For users using business and luxury subscription, the settings form will contain a 'Use Website Carousel' field as seen below.

    If you want a carousel, select 'Yes' and click on the 'Update' button to save.

    Web Version

    Below is a sample of what the carousel looks like on the platonic template.

    Web Version

    Below is a sample of what the carousel looks like on the sunness template.

    Web Version

To add or edit your social media information. Click on settings in your website dashboard.

You will see a form similar to the one below, fill it and click on 'Update Details'.

Only the admin can view this page.

Web Version


The default post page when no post has been made is shown below.

Web Version

When you click on the posts in the side bar, you see a page that shows all the posts that has been created. To create a new post, click on the new button on the top right corner as shown below. You can also edit and delete any posts as desired.

Web Version

On the create post page, you will see a form with an upload post button and a 'back' button in the top right hand corner that leads to the previous page as shown below.

Web Version

To add a new post;

  1. Fill in the title in the title field.
  2. Fill in the subtitle in the subtitle field.
  3. Fill in the content in the content field.
  4. Add your desired image in the picture field.
  5. Select the exact category you want the post to belong to in the 'select category' field. Note; you can must add at least one category before you can make a post, details in the categories section below.
  6. Then click on the 'upload post' button to add the new post.
  7. When done correctly, You get a success message and an email is sent to subscribers when a new post is added.

To edit, click on the 'edit' button shown above on the posts page. You will see a page similar to the create posts page.

Change whichever field you want, upload your desired picture and click on the 'edit post' button. A sample page is shown below.

Web Version

To delete a post, click on the 'Delete' button. You will get a message to confirm if you want to delete as shown below. Click 'confirm' if you want to proceed and cancel if you do not want to delete the post any longer.

Web Version


When you click on 'Profile' in the sidebar of the dashboard, you see the page shown below where you can update your profile information, picture and reset your password.

Web Version

To update your profile,

  1. Fill in your full name in the full name field.
  2. Fill in your phone no in the phone no field.
  3. Then click on the 'Update Profile' button to update your profile information. You receive a success message when the update is successful.

To update your profile picture,

  1. Click on the 'choose file' to add your desired picture under the profile image.
  2. Then click on the 'Update Picture' button to update your picture. You receive a success message when the update is successful.

To reset your password,

  1. Fill in your current password in the current password field.
  2. Fill in your new password in the new password field.
  3. Fill in your new password in the confirm new password field.
  4. Then click on the 'Change Password' button to reset your password. You receive a success message when the reset is successful.


Only the admin is allowed to view this section

When you click on 'Authors' in the side bar, you see a page that shows all the authors that has been created.

The default page is shown below.

Web Version

To create a new author, click on the 'Add 'New' button on the top right corner as shown below.

Web Version

On the 'create author' page, you will see a form with a 'Create' button and a 'back' button in the top right hand corner that leads to the previous page as shown below.

Web Version

To add a new author;

  1. Fill in the full name in the full name field.
  2. Fill in the email in the email field.
  3. Fill in the password in the password field.
  4. Fill in the phone no in the phone no field.
  5. Then click on the 'Create' button to add the new author.
  6. When done correctly, You get a success message and an email containing login details is sent to the author.

To edit, click on the 'Edit' button shown above on the authors page. You will see a page similar to the create author page.

Change whichever field you want, and click on the 'update' button. A sample page is shown below.

Web Version

To delete an author, click on the 'Delete' button. You will get a message to confirm if you want to delete as shown below. Click ok if you want to proceed and cancel if you do not want to delete the author any longer.

Web Version


Only the admin is allowed to view this section.

The default category page when no category has been made is shown below.

Web Version

When you click on 'Categories' in the side bar, you see a page that shows all the categories that has been created. To add a new category, click on the 'Create New Category' button on the top right corner as shown below.

Web Version

On the 'create category' page, you will see a form with a 'Submit' button and a 'back' button in the top right hand corner that leads to the previous page as shown below.

Web Version

To add a new category;

  1. Fill in the name in the name field.
  2. Then click on the 'Submit' button to add the new category.
  3. When done correctly, You get a success message.

To edit, click on the "Edit" button shown above on the categories page. You will see a page similar to the create category page.

Change the name in the name field, and click on the 'Upload Category' button. A sample page is shown below.

Web Version

To delete a category, click on the 'Delete' button. You will get a message to confirm if you want to delete as shown below. Click 'Confirm' if you want to proceed and 'Cancel' if you do not want to delete the category any longer.

Web Version


The subscription form is at the bottom of the homepage. Everyone who subscribes is notified via email when a new post is created. The admin is also notified when a new subscription is made.

The subscription form in the sunness template is shown below

Web Version

The subscription form in the platonic template is shown below

Web Version

On the dashboard, all subscribers are viewed when you click on the 'Subscribers' tab in the sidebar of the dashboard. The default page is shown below.

Only the admin can view this page.

Web Version

Below is a sample of what the page looks like when there are subscribers.

Web Version


The contact section is on the homepage and contains a form. Any message sent from this form goes directly to the email of the admin. The sender also gets a mail to confirm that the feedback was sent successfully.

The image below shows a sample of the contact section in the platonic template.

Web Version

The image below shows a sample of the contact section in the sunness template.

Web Version

On the dashboard, all feedbacks are viewed when you click on the 'Contact Feedback' tab in the sidebar of the dashboard. The default page is shown below.

Only the admin can view this page.

Web Version

Below is a sample of what the page looks like when there are Feedbacks.

Web Version

To delete a feedback, Click on the delete button. You will get a message to confirm if you want to delete as shown below. Click 'Confirm' if you want to proceed and 'Cancel' if you do not want to delete the feedback any longer.

Web Version